Blue Eye Photography

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Jensen's and family

Merry Christmas!  I'm going to be short on words tonight as we are leaving for Nebraska in the morning and I still have packing to do.  However, I really wanted to get the Jensen's preview blogged before I leave.  With their parents both in town for the holidays, we were able to get some photos of grandparents and grand kids along with mom and dad.  We met on Christmas Eve morning and beat the rain, sort of, it was raining lightly toward the end, but we found a porch and everyone braved the cool wet weather to get some great photos.  I had the pleasure of photographing this family together two years ago at Christmas also when Kate, the youngest, was just a baby, now she is almost 3!  I hope everyone is having a very Merry Christmas and enjoying family and friends.  I will be busy putting together my year in review slideshow, so look for that coming soon!  For now, enjoy the images from the Jensen's session.