Blue Eye Photography

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Robertsville Camping 2015

We de-winterized the camper last weekend and headed out to Robertsville State Park for the inaugural camping trip of the 2015 season.  We went alongside our friends, the kids' godparents, Steve and Renee.  It's only a 20 min. drive from our house, but it was a good trip to test out the camper and make sure everything is in order.  It was, thank goodness, last year we weren't so lucky, we had to replace the water pump.  Also good we were close to home because our aging dog Bailey had some incontinence issues and we had to head back for some clean sheets and new medication for her.  But all in all it was a great weekend, great friends, gorgeous weather, and lots of good ole family fun.

Thirsty dogs on a hot spring day.

We attempted kite flying, it just wasn't windy enough.  We wouldn't have that problem in Nebraska.

Trying to light a fire with flint.  They did succeed once.

The following are my "bubble series".  The kids still love the bubbles.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter Weekend

New toys, lots of sugar and Grandma's and Grandpa's make for some great photo opportunities.  Easter is always one of my favorite times for preserving memories.  There are usually nice clothes involved, and in Leah's case, a hat, and always family or friends around.  This year the Forke Grandparents were in town visiting and helping with some house projects.  Also this year we had both sets of Grandparents together on Easter Sunday, that almost never happens because of the distance, Nebraska and Illinois.  We are usually at one or the other.  Anyway, it was a gorgeous weekend, I love spring lighting.  Here are a few images........

Waiting for their baskets from G-ma Richter

Blake is not so thrilled with his new fishing hat.  It will get good use this summer, and it was only .47 on clearance, I couldn't pass that up!

Easter eggs here I come!

We wore out G-pa Forke this weekend.

Sorting out their loot.

Playing in the yard back at our house.

Blake flying his new airplane.

Working on Blake's new loft bed. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My kids

Today was spring picture day at Blake's school, and what a spring day it was!  Gorgeous sunny day, 70+ degrees outside and a nice breeze.  Even though that nice breeze is ushering in rain and storms for tomorrow.  But, what will be will be (anyone else singing Que Sera Sera now?  Me too.) and we are enjoying today.  My kids were looking so cute, and a little too grown up for me, in their summery clothes this morning, so out came the SLR and here are a few images of my "growing way too fast" kiddos.

Blake said, "now I don't have to get my picture taken at school"  Sorry bud, yes you do.

This is how he really is 90% of the time.

Love this smile!

Her new bible that she got from pre-school yesterday for Easter.  She has "read" the whole thing.

Looking tall and sweet. 

World Eagle Day 2015

Blake LOVES all things birds these days, especially birds of prey.  (His favorite is the Peregrine Falcon)  When we heard that the World Bird Sanctuary, which is just 10 minutes from us, was having a world eagle day celebration, we had to check it out.  We had the perfect seats for the eagle show and I just happened to have my SLR with me and was lucky enough to have my 17-55mm lens on which gave us some crazy cool images of the Bald Eagle flying overhead.  I giggle when I think of all the professional cameras with their super ginormous (yes, that is a word) lenses, because they could not have gotten a shot like these.  O.K. I really am a little jealous, I have always wanted a super telephoto lens, but honestly, what would I do with it.  I don't do much sports photography anymore, just my own kids, and I'm not into wildlife photography.  It would just be a fun, albeit very expensive, toy for me.  So, totally off topic, but lesson for the day, photography is I'd say at least 50% luck.  Having the right lens and the right camera at the right time.  So, here are a few images from the day.  I'm also sharing a few of Blake's images from our point and shoot.  He was getting so mad that he couldn't catch the birds in action, but he got some great images nonetheless. 

I LOVE owls!

I LOVE him too, he's trying to give himself bunny ears.

This one is a little soft, but I still love it.  Except for the handler ropes on its' legs, it could be flying in the wild. 

Blake's shot of a great horned owl.

Blake's view of the eagle after the show.