Blue Eye Photography

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter Weekend

New toys, lots of sugar and Grandma's and Grandpa's make for some great photo opportunities.  Easter is always one of my favorite times for preserving memories.  There are usually nice clothes involved, and in Leah's case, a hat, and always family or friends around.  This year the Forke Grandparents were in town visiting and helping with some house projects.  Also this year we had both sets of Grandparents together on Easter Sunday, that almost never happens because of the distance, Nebraska and Illinois.  We are usually at one or the other.  Anyway, it was a gorgeous weekend, I love spring lighting.  Here are a few images........

Waiting for their baskets from G-ma Richter

Blake is not so thrilled with his new fishing hat.  It will get good use this summer, and it was only .47 on clearance, I couldn't pass that up!

Easter eggs here I come!

We wore out G-pa Forke this weekend.

Sorting out their loot.

Playing in the yard back at our house.

Blake flying his new airplane.

Working on Blake's new loft bed. 

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