Blue Eye Photography

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Wisbrock Family

I've been lazy when it comes to blogging my sessions this year.  Frankly I don't know if anyone even reads them.  But, I still believe blogging has a place when it comes to sharing my work.  I like it better than facebook for showcasing a session and its' story.  So I'm planning on catching up on blogging last fall's sessions and probably some family stuff too.

Starting with such a great family.  I've had the pleasure of watching this family grow over the last 7 years since Emma was an infant.  They are one of the families who have allowed me to grow my skills as a photographer with them through the years.  They really know my style and we work well together, this session was so laid back and fun, the girls have become naturals in from of the camera and seem to know just when to give me a "look".  There are so many from their session that I LOVE,  here are a handful of my favorites.
Some would call this an "outtake"  I would say it's "reality"

The girls found a caterpillar

I love it when a family can forget that I'm right there with a lens at their face.

Giving a little attitude, in a good way of course.

Possibly my favorite image of the year.  I may have asked them to get together, but this was their natural posing, all I did was click the shutter.

Who says photo sessions aren't any fun?

I always try to get the mom and dad alone too!

I just loved the evening light here.

and here.

And here.


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